Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A birth-or waiting for birth- story

Reading a few of my friends blog posts has inspired me to write... Since I had the inspiration to start a blog so many months ago, a great deal has happened in my life...or shall i say, life with the Tatums :) The hubby and I have added a new addition lil miss Alora Nycholle. She, like her sister, looks exactly like her daddy and exactly like her mommy ! Which baffles me :P . So in turn she also looks A LOT like her older sister, Malaya. Having two beautiful girls in my life is truly a blessing from God almighty and so is, no matter how tumultuous her delivery, the way my Angel, Alora was born (phew that was a lot of commas LOL). Thursday, February 2,2011 was a busy day...taking my car to a good friends to fix with two bikes unstably fixed to the trunk of the car (which caused uber stress for me). We stayed at our freinds house the entire day while he fixed Mikes car and when the brakes were finished we headed on over to Billies house to take her our bikes (they would get much more use than they did rusting on my balcony). We relaxed and had dinner at Billies house and of course i went to the restroom like a million times...one of those times I realized that my underwear was a lot more wet than normal...It freaked me out but thought well maybe it is pee. So we went home and I must have changes my underwear at least 3 times so we decided it was time to head on over to the hospital to be checked. We left at about 2 am since Mikes dad had to come over to watch Malaya (lil Mama) . I never could have imagined that I would be staying in the hospital for almost 5 days without even having the baby until the 8th. So the nurse determined that my water was leaking but there were no contractions so they put me on medicing to stop contractions should they start and 2 different antibiotics. The medications they put me on made me freak out emotionally and feel like I had a sunburn so thankfully after one day of that they put me on alternative medication. One thing I am glad for is the nurses. Every one of them was awesome ! I had 2 ultrasounds. The first one revealed that Alora was breech...oh no...a csec :( but there was still hope! She had plenty of fluid and could still turn around if she so chose... Well days went by and so they moved me to a different bed and a different (much smaller) room . I was hooked up to an IV, a catheter,leg massagers, and a blood pressure machine ...with the occasional blood draw...was I ever gonna get out of the hospital?! So Tuesday came (my feet hadn't hit the ground since friday at 2 am) and another ultrasound was ordered. It was 9 am and we found out that Alora had very little fluid to swim around in and she was still breech...oh no...a csec it is. I am not going to lie...I freaked out and asked the nurse if we were waiting for an emergency ? Why didn't they take her now ?? She assured me that she was fine and that if she started to be in distress that they would reevaluate the situation. Well, Guess what? her heartrate started to stay high . No matter my position. No matter my prayers. The doctor came in and nurses and the anastesiologist...and it was over...or shall I say, it began. My trip to the OR ...a csection was imminent. My heart was racing . It was an emergency. I wasn't ready. Can't I just keep her in for a few more days? Nope. It was happening now. My sweet Alora was going to be born through my stomach, 33 weeks gestation, 7 weeks early. Why can't I keep my children in my uterus full term? Only God knows, I guess. They wheeled me to the room with the anastesiologist barking orders. Thankfully my nurse stayed with me to get my spinal block, my heartrate was 155 but, she helped me, Maggie. My IV had been in 3 days so that had to be replaced, but, not before I threw up (go figure). Then, my sweet husband came into the room. He helped me to get through knowing i was being cut open behind the blue curtain. Then...my sweet baby girl was born into the world at 7:11 pm on 2/08/11. She is my nicknamed my Angel because she was born with the cord wrapped around her neck 3 times! She was definitly destined to be on this earth. She has a purpose. Al -Ora : Gods Light. After she was born I was in the hospital 4 more days to recover for my csec and be close to my Angel since she was in the NICU. I Missed my lil Mama but, had to make sure my Angel was taken care of...a hard decision for any mommy. I will leave the story of my CSEC recovery for another blog since this one is already way to long. Thanks to whoever cares enough to read this ! I love you too :) I have a feeling there will be more blogs to come since life with the tatums is getting crazier and writing has always been a great outlet for me in times of turmoil...no matter if the turmoil is also a blessing ! Bye for now , my friends.


  1. Having Alora was certainly an adventure for you. God is always good!

  2. I still haven't written E's birth story, much less the girls'. What happened with Alora was totally different than with Malaya, and does not mean that every pregnancy will end early. Don't think about next time until Alora is at least a year. Then spend some time talking with Mike and see how you both feel about it. Even having had months to get used to the idea the c was scary. But things happen for a reason. I hope that writting about it has helped you to let some of the heartache go.
